Gestational Surrogacy

single parent surrogacy australiaGestational surrogacy is a type of surrogacy arrangement where the Surrogate isn’t genetically connected with the child she is giving birth to. Moreover, the process of creating and developing the embryo comes along with the In vitro fertilization (IVF) process while using the eggs and sperm retrieved from the intended parents or donors, and finally placing it to the womb of the Surrogate Mother.

Additionally, one or both of the Intended parents does have a biological connection with the child in Gestational surrogacy arrangement while the Surrogate mother doesn’t enjoy the same virtue during the process. That could well be the reason why this Surrogacy arrangement is being called as the most feasible Surrogacy arrangement with no or very less number of Disputes.

How Gestation Surrogacy does works?

Though you will get to see a number of definitions on the web about the process, Gestational surrogacy is mostly about finding a Surrogate, getting all the required legal contracts and proceeding with the procedure of embryos transfer to the uterus of the Surrogate mother. Moreover, it’s still up to the Intended parents if they would like to proceed with the whole process all by themselves while dealing with an attorney specialized in assisted reproductive law. On the other hand, most of the people still prefer to go towards it while dealing with a Surrogate agency which can not only help them in getting a good surrogate, but providing every sort of legal and advisory assistance possible. The process further sees both the intended parents and the Surrogate to deal with their respective attorneys in order to analyze all the attached legal risks and responsibilities including the Surrogate’s compensation. The process would then resume with both the parties coming into a legal contract which would see both of them to mutually agree with the mentioned terms and proceed with their dealing with an IVF center or specialist to resume with the embryo transfer process. The Embryos then gets created, developed and transferred into the uterus of the Surrogate mother by using the following means. While most of the countries have restricted surrogacy programs worldwide, the become parents group offers surrogacy programs that is flexible for parents from all parts of the world. Surrogacy in many countries is very well regulated and supported by the local authorities making them rare and favorable countries to pursue surrogacy. As per the laws, surrogacy contracts are very strict and stern making serious decisions about the child being fully owned by the Intended Parents from the moment of conception. Right after the Birth takes place and the certificate is issued with the names of the Intended Parents the child belongs to them completely with surrogate having no relationship with the kid or the family. Become parents is proud to offer these services in countries like Kenya, Ukraine, Georgia, Bangkok, USA, Canada and Australia.

  • Extracting the eggs and sperm from the intended parents and in this case, both the Intended parents would be considered as the Biological parents of the child
  • Getting the Sperm from the intended father mixed with the egg from the Donor to transfer it in Surrogate mothers.
  • Retrieving the Egg of the Intended mother and getting it mixed with the Donated Sperm to develop it further.
  • Mixing the Donated sperm and mixing it further to locate the surrogate mother’s uterus. In this case, neither of the Intended parents would be genetically related to the Child.

We at Bangkok Surrogacy can assist you to get the best Surrogacy services in and around Bangkok and further support you during the process with our High end Expertise and Professional experience. We have one of the best IVF and Surrogacy agencies as our partners in the country and you can always expect only the best services on board while dealing with us.

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